Høst til Hus -Harvest to House

The seminar has happened.  You can see some photos here and you can read Emmy Laura Perez’s Speech here. 

We premiered the short film at CAFx Life Forms in Copenhagen and you can watch it here.  


Høst til Hus (Harvest to House) workshop seeks to investigate the interface between agriculture and the built environment. Høst til Hus is the beginning of a dialogue between those who work with the earth and those who build with the earth’s materials, we hope to generate interest and ideas for a regenerative future.

We will discuss land-use, material culture, carbon capture, ecological interconnectedness, deep-time and beauty. We will look to pre-industrial and vernacular cultures, scientific advancements, ecological thinking, regenerative sytems-change, questions of climate and intergenerational justice, and concepts of care. 

By weaving stories, scientific research, and regenerative practices we hope to reconnect humans to the land and the living. 

This cross-disciplinary workshop emerged as part of Building The Symbiocene, a larger initiative advocating regenerative change. Høst til Hus - Harvest to House is hosted by Djernes & Bell, Local Works Studio, Høstskole & Dinsen/ KADK Residency.

This workshop is the beginning of a larger inquisitive, experimental, built and grown investigation into the interface between agriculture, architecture and the potential for regenerative and ecological progress.

Høst til Hus is generously supported by Statens Kunst Fond under the Building The Symbiocene Initiative and hosted by Dinesen X KADK summer school & residency programme. 


Djernes & Bell (DK)
Local Works (UK)
Høstskole - Janne Dinesen (DK)
Dinesen x KADK Summer School (DK) Nicholas Brooks (UK)


Click here.



All food is grown and prepared by local Regenerative Farmers from Stensbæk Grønt. Tobias and Nina have designed a seasonal menu that compliments the programme. Eggs are from local Abilgaard and cheese from Jernved.


Information for participants.

Vråvej 2, 6630 Rødding,
Southern Jutland, Denmark.   Dinesen x KADK Summer School & Residency. 


Dinesen x KADK Summer School & Residency.


Useful Links.

Findings of the workshop will be documented, shared & presented in 2023. 


Justine Bell (architecture)
Janne Dinesen (agriculture)


4. Loren Eiseley

LE / 1957
From The Immense Journey

            A billion years have gone into the making of that eye; the water and the salt and the vapors of the sun have built it; things that squirmed in the tide silts have devised it. Light-year beyond light-year, deep beyond deep, the mind may rove by means of it, hanging above the bottomless and surveying impartially the state of matter in the white-dwarf suns.

Yet whenever I see a frog’s eye low in the water warily ogling the shoreward landscape, I always think inconsequentially of those twiddling mechanical eyes that mankind manipulates nightly from a thousand observatories. Someday, with a telescopic lens an acre in extent, we are going to see something not to out liking, some looming shape outside there across the great pond of space.
            Whenever I catch a frog’s eye I am aware of this, but I do not find it depressing. I stand quite still and try hard not to move or lift a hand since it would only frighten him. And standing thus it finally comes to me that this is the most enormous extension of vision of which life is capable: the projection of itself into other lives. This is the lonely magnificent power of humanity. It is, far more than any spatial adventure, the supreme epitome of the reaching out.